Hi guys well yes it is...work days non stop between our super team putting everything together, from paintings to clutches to my creations of all kinds of Hats for our new fashion show ... !!! is just great... we have less than a month to work out everything and put it together! is just a blast...every day is halloween for me EVERY DAY! THAT IS FOR SURE! I love this part of waking up and just creating and making Hats, Glasses and of course update my you tube account, my blog and answer all your e.mails ... how to do this ? how to do that? And just answering all sort of questions !!!! :)))) well here is just a peak of my days so far...!
yep here I am planning for the next campaign that I am taking part in December against cancer ! you will see the photo shoot with different designers and a lot of art to support a very important cause.
OH yes I just love skulls... I create bracelets, necklaces, hats, everything with skulls...DAMN I WANT SKULLS IN THE TABLES IN MY MARRIAGE! OF COURSE SPARKLY SKULLS! HA
Here we are shooting a video... with Veronica Maris ..that is right! designer of clutches ;)
Just a little peak of everything guys.... for the record Ive been soooooo Damn sick is not even funny! but tomorrow will be @ Arthurs for Halloween fiesta with Eye Magazine....! Don't forget your sombrero! xoxo K.V
About Me

- K. Valdes by Karina
- Born in Belgium Antwerp origin Panamenian. Started hosting a Tv Program at 8 years old channel 4 Dominican Republic "Gigi y sus amiguitos"and from there hosted many more... TV Programs hosted by K.Valdes: Panama city Tvn channel 2 segment Viva La Juventud,Perform as VJ (videojockey) at Musicavision in Puerto Rico. Musicavision , Channel 13 Telemetro "El mix del fin de semana" Radio Patatus, singer & composer opening Teleton in Panama city, Dominican Rep and other events among others. Present in all VIP events concerning Fashion and designs all over the world and other events Artist & designer, organizer of fashion shows creating and designing Hats & jewelery K.Valdes by Karina Valdes This blog is to give tips of fashion,make up,fashion news and much more... sharing my personal view in all that has to do with the artistic world. This is my secret box that I am sharing with all of you hope you will all enjoy. K.V
Biography of Anastasia Ushakova by K.V
Hi Everyone as promise lets get a little bit inside Anastasia Ushakova life.
Here goes my little interview since she is been modeling for K.V "myself" almost through all our fashion having a great adventure with the funny crew and the crazy moments...:)
K.V : Tell us a bit about you Anastasia? where do you come from, a little Biography to introduce yourself
A.U:I come from St Petersburg, Russia, but I only lived there for 5 years of my life. Throughout my childhood my parents were constantly travelling all around the world: I was born in Egypt, then lived in Kenya, Iraq and Serbia. I changed about 7 schools during my adolescence. I am happy I had an opportunity to travel that much because I met lots of interesting people and discovered different cultures, which helps me a lot today.
My family settled in Geneva 9 years ago, when I was twelve. I grew up in Switzerland, so I consider it to be my home. I am fluent in French, and last year I obtained Swiss nationality. all the fashion shows so I know some of the e.mails I receive their was some questions regarding Anastasia as well as others.
K.V: Since when are you in fashion and when did you started?
A.U:I started when I was 10 years old, back in the time I used to do a lot of fashion shows and photo shoots for children’s wear. I was engaged in different projects, I also participated in the music video of one of the Russian singers. I loved modelling a lot, and I had a lot of propositions in St Petersburg, but then my family moved to Switzerland, and I didn’t have a choice but to stop. I remember feeling very sad back in the time because I was enjoying it so much. I came back to the business about 4 years ago, since then I have done a number of fashion shows, photo shoots, and different projects.K.V:What is your favorite brand? Are you the type that wears only brands or you just mix everything and you don't mind?
A.U:When I buy clothes I don’t look at the brand, I buy it because it suits my style. Today companies like Zara represent an intense competition to the expensive brands because there you find fashionable clothes of descent quality for much lower price. I also often buy clothes in small shops because there you find unique stuff you are sure nobody else has. However, what is really important for me is that the shoes and the bags are of superior quality, so I only buy them from well known brands.
K.V:what do you think about fashion in Gva? Do you think people follow up ... or do you think they are conservative and need to open up?
A.U:In Geneva people are very conservative in the way they dress, and are not willing to experiment with their style and show their individuality. I think they rely too much on the opinion of others because if they wear something which is considered out of the norms they would be judged. Every time I go to Moscow, Milano, Paris and other fashion centers I catch myself thinking that what is considered normal there would be seen as scandalous in Geneva. The roots of this thinking can be traced historically: for long time Geneva was a Protestant centre and during Calvinism plainness in dress was emphasized. But today we are in the 21st century and I think that its time to open up and experience with one’s looks.
K.V:How would you describe yourself?
A.U:That is difficult to answer this question because I am constantly changing and when I look at myself even a year ago I see a totally different person. For sure I am a very energetic person, I can not stand routine and I need to be engaged in different activities in order to make sure I am constantly growing and develop different aspects of my personality. I have so many projects in my head that sometimes I regret there is only 24 hours in a day. My major weakness is that I am definitely very impatient, I want everything to be done today, not tomorrow.
I am very outgoing person and meeting new people is very important for me. However, I need to spend time by myself as well, that’s why Sunday has always been my sacred day that I spend at home. I am definitely a very devoted friend, and my friends and family always come first.K.V:Tell us about your experience in the Fashion shows, with who have you worked, what have you done so far? Will you continue in this industry or is it a hobby for you?
A.U:I love participating in fashion shows and photo shoots, but for me that is more of a hobby, my favourite hobby. I have participated in a number of fashion shows here in Geneva, been working for TSAR Couture, Le Temps des Cerices, and others. And of course I have participated in all of your fashion shows, which I loved the most, because Karina Valdes’s creations are more than just fashion, it is art, and each fashion show is different. I participate in beauty contests also, such as in 2009 I took part in Miss Fetes de Geneve.
K.V:What are your future projects?
A.U:The upcoming month is going to be quite busy on projects. Mostly I am looking forward for your fashion show Alice in Wonderland, which will be full of surprises for the audience, and will take place on the 24th of November at Baroque. This will be definitely the biggest event we have organized so far. Another project I am participating in is the launching of brand new sparkling vodka Camitz which is taking place on the 20th of October at Kempinski. And of course the Cuban Night by Karina Valdes at Platinum! K.V:where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
A.U:I plan to leave Geneva in the coming years, so if everything goes well I will live somewhere else in Europe. I am willing to do my career in private banking, so I hope I will be successful in that. I will definitely continue working in the fashion industry, either as a model or I would organize something myself. This is how I want to see myself in the future, but then we don’t know what may happen tomorrow, and who knows, maybe in five year from now I will be reading this interview and smiling about how my priorities changed
Thank you Anastasia to for letting us get to know a little bit more of you see you soon at our next fashion show xoxo K
Here goes my little interview since she is been modeling for K.V "myself" almost through all our fashion having a great adventure with the funny crew and the crazy moments...:)
K.V : Tell us a bit about you Anastasia? where do you come from, a little Biography to introduce yourself
A.U:I come from St Petersburg, Russia, but I only lived there for 5 years of my life. Throughout my childhood my parents were constantly travelling all around the world: I was born in Egypt, then lived in Kenya, Iraq and Serbia. I changed about 7 schools during my adolescence. I am happy I had an opportunity to travel that much because I met lots of interesting people and discovered different cultures, which helps me a lot today.
My family settled in Geneva 9 years ago, when I was twelve. I grew up in Switzerland, so I consider it to be my home. I am fluent in French, and last year I obtained Swiss nationality. all the fashion shows so I know some of the e.mails I receive their was some questions regarding Anastasia as well as others.
K.V: Since when are you in fashion and when did you started?
A.U:I started when I was 10 years old, back in the time I used to do a lot of fashion shows and photo shoots for children’s wear. I was engaged in different projects, I also participated in the music video of one of the Russian singers. I loved modelling a lot, and I had a lot of propositions in St Petersburg, but then my family moved to Switzerland, and I didn’t have a choice but to stop. I remember feeling very sad back in the time because I was enjoying it so much. I came back to the business about 4 years ago, since then I have done a number of fashion shows, photo shoots, and different projects.K.V:What is your favorite brand? Are you the type that wears only brands or you just mix everything and you don't mind?
A.U:When I buy clothes I don’t look at the brand, I buy it because it suits my style. Today companies like Zara represent an intense competition to the expensive brands because there you find fashionable clothes of descent quality for much lower price. I also often buy clothes in small shops because there you find unique stuff you are sure nobody else has. However, what is really important for me is that the shoes and the bags are of superior quality, so I only buy them from well known brands.
K.V:what do you think about fashion in Gva? Do you think people follow up ... or do you think they are conservative and need to open up?
A.U:In Geneva people are very conservative in the way they dress, and are not willing to experiment with their style and show their individuality. I think they rely too much on the opinion of others because if they wear something which is considered out of the norms they would be judged. Every time I go to Moscow, Milano, Paris and other fashion centers I catch myself thinking that what is considered normal there would be seen as scandalous in Geneva. The roots of this thinking can be traced historically: for long time Geneva was a Protestant centre and during Calvinism plainness in dress was emphasized. But today we are in the 21st century and I think that its time to open up and experience with one’s looks.
K.V:How would you describe yourself?
A.U:That is difficult to answer this question because I am constantly changing and when I look at myself even a year ago I see a totally different person. For sure I am a very energetic person, I can not stand routine and I need to be engaged in different activities in order to make sure I am constantly growing and develop different aspects of my personality. I have so many projects in my head that sometimes I regret there is only 24 hours in a day. My major weakness is that I am definitely very impatient, I want everything to be done today, not tomorrow.
I am very outgoing person and meeting new people is very important for me. However, I need to spend time by myself as well, that’s why Sunday has always been my sacred day that I spend at home. I am definitely a very devoted friend, and my friends and family always come first.K.V:Tell us about your experience in the Fashion shows, with who have you worked, what have you done so far? Will you continue in this industry or is it a hobby for you?
A.U:I love participating in fashion shows and photo shoots, but for me that is more of a hobby, my favourite hobby. I have participated in a number of fashion shows here in Geneva, been working for TSAR Couture, Le Temps des Cerices, and others. And of course I have participated in all of your fashion shows, which I loved the most, because Karina Valdes’s creations are more than just fashion, it is art, and each fashion show is different. I participate in beauty contests also, such as in 2009 I took part in Miss Fetes de Geneve.
K.V:What are your future projects?
A.U:The upcoming month is going to be quite busy on projects. Mostly I am looking forward for your fashion show Alice in Wonderland, which will be full of surprises for the audience, and will take place on the 24th of November at Baroque. This will be definitely the biggest event we have organized so far. Another project I am participating in is the launching of brand new sparkling vodka Camitz which is taking place on the 20th of October at Kempinski. And of course the Cuban Night by Karina Valdes at Platinum! K.V:where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
A.U:I plan to leave Geneva in the coming years, so if everything goes well I will live somewhere else in Europe. I am willing to do my career in private banking, so I hope I will be successful in that. I will definitely continue working in the fashion industry, either as a model or I would organize something myself. This is how I want to see myself in the future, but then we don’t know what may happen tomorrow, and who knows, maybe in five year from now I will be reading this interview and smiling about how my priorities changed
Thank you Anastasia to for letting us get to know a little bit more of you see you soon at our next fashion show xoxo K
A little of me....:) for those who know me and for those who dont .. Love
Hi Guys I decided to answer some of your question from my you tube account mail in my blog.
Explain you a little bit more about myself because for some reason some of you in your comments and mails think I am this rich girl spending money and living in a castle, which is not really that at all.:)
I love my bubble barbie pink, purple childish home that I share with my love ones cause Ive created actually everything!:))))))
I am not at all the snob type so you ask me a little bit of me and this is my responds;
I learn to create stuff because my mother would create clothes, Piñatas... haha for you that don't know what Piñatas are is for children in Latin America ..to break them in birthdays with different colors and images" and do a lot of other manual things and show me you don't need millions to be creative.
I really enjoy creating stuff with unconventional material.
I am a kind of person, I can make a dress of toilette paper and wear it and be proud of it.
I always show all my people how I create stuff because I don't want them to think something creative is exclusive to having a lot of money.
I think you can make everything out of whatever and believe in what your are doing.
If you can imagine it in your head you can sure create it.
Struggle can sometimes be the greatest source of inspiration :)))) this is me and the world Ive created to myself :) and that's how I am teaching my daughter with real values
Love K.V
Explain you a little bit more about myself because for some reason some of you in your comments and mails think I am this rich girl spending money and living in a castle, which is not really that at all.:)
I love my bubble barbie pink, purple childish home that I share with my love ones cause Ive created actually everything!:))))))
I am not at all the snob type so you ask me a little bit of me and this is my responds;
I learn to create stuff because my mother would create clothes, Piñatas... haha for you that don't know what Piñatas are is for children in Latin America ..to break them in birthdays with different colors and images" and do a lot of other manual things and show me you don't need millions to be creative.
I really enjoy creating stuff with unconventional material.
I am a kind of person, I can make a dress of toilette paper and wear it and be proud of it.
I always show all my people how I create stuff because I don't want them to think something creative is exclusive to having a lot of money.
I think you can make everything out of whatever and believe in what your are doing.
If you can imagine it in your head you can sure create it.
Struggle can sometimes be the greatest source of inspiration :)))) this is me and the world Ive created to myself :) and that's how I am teaching my daughter with real values
Love K.V
Hi guys, first of all I want to thank all of viewers and visits from you tube account and all your e.mails at k.valdesbykarina@gmail.com is a pleasure to have so many pure souls writing to me and giving me the strength and inspiration to do different things and be different..... Million thanks, working right now in Anastasia's interview, A video which will be filmed at The Closet with several interesting and artistic people , another campaign !!! this time representing SUN Glasses, Camitz Vodka this thursday 20th of October , and K.Valdes fashion show the 24th of November without saying other projects so friends I am exhausted like a FRIED POTATO but I love you all and I am grateful to receive so much love... sometimes hate but hey! that's what keeps us going..... I am human so some people will find me funny and loving and others not... :).
Today Ive answer 20 e.mails promise I will answer all at the end of next week... and keep question coming...tips for whatever you need I will always be here to guide if I can and give always a positive advice... and for the loving letters......love you all back
xoxo K.V
Lets discover Anastasia Ushakova Interview coming up 21rst of October
Since the start of my adventure we have our lovely models follow in all my fashion shows from the beginning... We have laugh, stressed and had a wonderful time together I am glad to share an interview with Anastasia Ushakova who will be representing Alice in K.Valdes in wonderland Fashion the 24th of November.
Let's introduce you and get to know Anastasia a little bit more 21rst October
Let's introduce you and get to know Anastasia a little bit more 21rst October
We asked Alice her origin, to give us a little bit of a biography about herself, since I had a lot of viewers asking me by e.mail... from where is Alice?, who is this beautiful Model that has been in my Fashion Shows call Alice Hurel?, So this is what she had to say..
A.H:I was born in Tokyo and lived there for 10 years. My father is Japanese and my mother is french. I've been in an international school ever since i was 5 so English is the language Im most comfortable with. However, I also speak french, Japanese and a little bit of German. Now that i am moving to Milan, i am hoping to add Italian to my list of languages.
I moved to Switzerland when i was 10 and have lived here for 8 years now. If anyone asks where i grew up, i would say Switzerland. It really feels like home here and I've changed and learnt so much here in Switzerland at the sides of my most important friends and my small family
K.V: When did you started modeling?
A.H: I have actually modeled when i was a little girl, for Japanese magazines, but everyone does that in Japan i think so it wasn't such a big deal.
I would actually say that i started modeling around 3 years ago, after I lost my hair due to an auto-immune system sickness called Alopecia. It caused me to lose all my hair very quickly (about a month). To be very honest, it all happened so quickly that i feel i didn't have time to go downhill emotionally. Wigs made me feel very sick and nauseous, and I have always been into fashion, so this slight change in my physique didn't once stop me from dressing the same or enclosing myself.
But anyways, so i really think modeling helped me cope with this "difference" that i have compared to other girls. it really opened many doors for me and has given me the opportunity to work with many talented and interesting photographers. K.V:What made you decide to start all this fashion business ?
A.H:I was born wanting to do something in fashion. What i mean is, my father works in the fashion business, mostly in marketing and thinking ahead for seasonal collections so i've had an insight in many things. As a child i was never really into reading and maths, really just artistic things. Nothing specifically has happened to me to make me decide that i wanted to work in the fashion business. I actually have no idea who or what put this idea in my head, but i've never wanted to do anything else. I never pictured myself doing anything else. So from a young age i've been reading fashion magazines and cutting out outfits and putting different things together on a daily basis.
Everyday, i enjoy mixing up my outfits and wearing one thing in different ways, so evidently, I want to discover more possibilities and designs. K.V:What are you studying? and will you continue later on...on the fashion industry or will it be a hobby?
A.H:I have just graduated from high school with the international baccalaureate diploma, where I took art as a higher level. It was actually the first time I took real art classes and discovered different areas in art and several techniques. With this, i managed to be accepted in a Fashion Design course in Milan.
I will work my way through university to get to the fashion industry whether as a fashion designer or perhaps a different branch in the "fashion industry". I really think these next three years will open my eyes to different opportunities.
K.V:Which are your favorite brands?
A.H:Honestly, i don't have a favorite brand or brands. I don't chose clothes because of where they come from or what they might represent in the society. I love all haute couture brands and their collections inspire me but I don't find it necessary to spend so much money on clothing just for the brand name. I like reading about different brands, and their collections and their image, and learn something different about all of them, but at the end of the day, I seem to find my clothes in small random shops, not so popular, and really mix and match clothes from different places. I don't really think about where my clothes come from, simply what i can do with them.. how to wear them, how to change them, how to accessorize them and how to mix them with something else. At the end, its just about getting a DIFFERENT result, so its not just how i found it when i bought it or worn how everyone else would wear it.
K.V:What has been the best experience so far in all the photoshoots and fashion shows you have done?
A.H:The best thing that came out of photoshoots and fashion shows for me would probably be of course, working with so many talented artists, getting an insight in the fashion industry and meeting many great new people, but what makes me happy and this modeling experience most important to me is to feel and see and feel friends, my mama and brother be so proud of me. It is the one of the greatest feelings in the world for me.
As for a TRUE best experience in photoshoots and fashion shows so far, it would definitely be your fashion shows Karina. You have so many crazy wonderful ideas, and you don't stop until you get it perfect and your pieces are so creative and it is really something I admire. On top of that, you make everything so fun and exciting, which makes the experience unforgettable.
K.V:Can you please describe yourself?
A.H:Its so hard for me to describe myself… I'm quite up and down, indecisive, sometimes insecure and definitely different. I don't even get myself sometimes.
But i guess its a normal feeling at this age. I feel that I've been through a lot- good and bad, and its never always just good or always bad, its just constant waves which makes me this "up and down" person.
The good side of me is that I'm crazy with my friends and i don't care what people think of me. I don't care if i do ridiculous and childish things in public because i just wanna have fun without having to worry about acting my age or doing what other people want me to do.
My friends from high school have been by my side for some of the most important changes and experiences in my life, and I feel like they KNOW me best, that's why they mean the world to me and I'm not good at letting other people in. I'm very difficult with strangers, most probably because i don't like them….
And this is where my insecurity kicks in. What has happened to me has happened for a reason and i don't try to hide it, but walking in the streets or being in a big crowd full of "hair-y" people, on my own, sometimes makes me so scared, and i cant explain the feeling. Now I'm off to Milan for university and I can't explain to you how nervous i am, when i should be feeling OVER EXCITED!! I'm the kind of person who's scared of growing up and who's scared of changes but at the end of the day, i find myself coping well with so many different situations. Thank you Alice for your interview by K.V
A.H:I was born in Tokyo and lived there for 10 years. My father is Japanese and my mother is french. I've been in an international school ever since i was 5 so English is the language Im most comfortable with. However, I also speak french, Japanese and a little bit of German. Now that i am moving to Milan, i am hoping to add Italian to my list of languages.
I moved to Switzerland when i was 10 and have lived here for 8 years now. If anyone asks where i grew up, i would say Switzerland. It really feels like home here and I've changed and learnt so much here in Switzerland at the sides of my most important friends and my small family
A.H: I have actually modeled when i was a little girl, for Japanese magazines, but everyone does that in Japan i think so it wasn't such a big deal.
I would actually say that i started modeling around 3 years ago, after I lost my hair due to an auto-immune system sickness called Alopecia. It caused me to lose all my hair very quickly (about a month). To be very honest, it all happened so quickly that i feel i didn't have time to go downhill emotionally. Wigs made me feel very sick and nauseous, and I have always been into fashion, so this slight change in my physique didn't once stop me from dressing the same or enclosing myself.
But anyways, so i really think modeling helped me cope with this "difference" that i have compared to other girls. it really opened many doors for me and has given me the opportunity to work with many talented and interesting photographers. K.V:What made you decide to start all this fashion business ?
A.H:I was born wanting to do something in fashion. What i mean is, my father works in the fashion business, mostly in marketing and thinking ahead for seasonal collections so i've had an insight in many things. As a child i was never really into reading and maths, really just artistic things. Nothing specifically has happened to me to make me decide that i wanted to work in the fashion business. I actually have no idea who or what put this idea in my head, but i've never wanted to do anything else. I never pictured myself doing anything else. So from a young age i've been reading fashion magazines and cutting out outfits and putting different things together on a daily basis.
Everyday, i enjoy mixing up my outfits and wearing one thing in different ways, so evidently, I want to discover more possibilities and designs. K.V:What are you studying? and will you continue later on...on the fashion industry or will it be a hobby?
A.H:I have just graduated from high school with the international baccalaureate diploma, where I took art as a higher level. It was actually the first time I took real art classes and discovered different areas in art and several techniques. With this, i managed to be accepted in a Fashion Design course in Milan.
I will work my way through university to get to the fashion industry whether as a fashion designer or perhaps a different branch in the "fashion industry". I really think these next three years will open my eyes to different opportunities.
K.V:Which are your favorite brands?
A.H:Honestly, i don't have a favorite brand or brands. I don't chose clothes because of where they come from or what they might represent in the society. I love all haute couture brands and their collections inspire me but I don't find it necessary to spend so much money on clothing just for the brand name. I like reading about different brands, and their collections and their image, and learn something different about all of them, but at the end of the day, I seem to find my clothes in small random shops, not so popular, and really mix and match clothes from different places. I don't really think about where my clothes come from, simply what i can do with them.. how to wear them, how to change them, how to accessorize them and how to mix them with something else. At the end, its just about getting a DIFFERENT result, so its not just how i found it when i bought it or worn how everyone else would wear it.
K.V:What has been the best experience so far in all the photoshoots and fashion shows you have done?
A.H:The best thing that came out of photoshoots and fashion shows for me would probably be of course, working with so many talented artists, getting an insight in the fashion industry and meeting many great new people, but what makes me happy and this modeling experience most important to me is to feel and see and feel friends, my mama and brother be so proud of me. It is the one of the greatest feelings in the world for me.
As for a TRUE best experience in photoshoots and fashion shows so far, it would definitely be your fashion shows Karina. You have so many crazy wonderful ideas, and you don't stop until you get it perfect and your pieces are so creative and it is really something I admire. On top of that, you make everything so fun and exciting, which makes the experience unforgettable.
K.V:Can you please describe yourself?
A.H:Its so hard for me to describe myself… I'm quite up and down, indecisive, sometimes insecure and definitely different. I don't even get myself sometimes.
But i guess its a normal feeling at this age. I feel that I've been through a lot- good and bad, and its never always just good or always bad, its just constant waves which makes me this "up and down" person.
The good side of me is that I'm crazy with my friends and i don't care what people think of me. I don't care if i do ridiculous and childish things in public because i just wanna have fun without having to worry about acting my age or doing what other people want me to do.
My friends from high school have been by my side for some of the most important changes and experiences in my life, and I feel like they KNOW me best, that's why they mean the world to me and I'm not good at letting other people in. I'm very difficult with strangers, most probably because i don't like them….
And this is where my insecurity kicks in. What has happened to me has happened for a reason and i don't try to hide it, but walking in the streets or being in a big crowd full of "hair-y" people, on my own, sometimes makes me so scared, and i cant explain the feeling. Now I'm off to Milan for university and I can't explain to you how nervous i am, when i should be feeling OVER EXCITED!! I'm the kind of person who's scared of growing up and who's scared of changes but at the end of the day, i find myself coping well with so many different situations. Thank you Alice for your interview by K.V
Who IS Alice Hurel? Tomorrow interview by http://kvaldesbykarina.blogspot.com/
Who is this beauty? I am very happy to present tomorrow Alice Hurel interview By K.V not only she has work with me along all my fashion shows but we are curious to know a little more of Alice!;)
Above picture by MADE IN VARMA, K.Valdes fashion show flyer, second photo, fashion TV Swiss tour @ Java club, Photo MADE IN VARMA
Above picture by MADE IN VARMA, K.Valdes fashion show flyer, second photo, fashion TV Swiss tour @ Java club, Photo MADE IN VARMA
Hi guys! this was this friday after the fashion show @ the closet Thursday and a night which didn't finish very early I was exhausted!!! without no voice what so ever...!!!! I had my shooting for the campaign Camitz,
Even if I didn't really need my voice for the photo shooting I was just going to fall asleep any minute but had a drink and went back to life...
Sarah the make artist was taking her time and boys wore doing their THANG while I was just trying to keep focus not fall asleep
We had a great time, after we finish the photoshooting we just went to the lounge to have a drink and then have a very tight sleep to be able to go the next day to eyes magazine event.
yep the boys making jokes and stuff...including Mr.MADE IN VARMA... ;)
Just is a little peak ;) xoxo
Even if I didn't really need my voice for the photo shooting I was just going to fall asleep any minute but had a drink and went back to life...
Sarah the make artist was taking her time and boys wore doing their THANG while I was just trying to keep focus not fall asleep
We had a great time, after we finish the photoshooting we just went to the lounge to have a drink and then have a very tight sleep to be able to go the next day to eyes magazine event.
yep the boys making jokes and stuff...including Mr.MADE IN VARMA... ;)
Just is a little peak ;) xoxo
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